Sidney was delighted at the response to the pilot of SharePoint in both the HR and IT departments even if Nellie Nogo had rung him every hour pointing out things that were not quite right. It wasn’t really SharePoint’s fault more the SharePoint Project Team’s poor grammar. Nellie’s last complaint was because somebody had used the word ‘Peaked’ in the ‘News’ section when they really meant ‘Piqued’. Having the Personnel manual now available to all staff via SharePoint had also caused quite a stir. Sidney himself had suspected that in the ‘Paternity Leave’ section it should have read ‘5 days’ not ‘5 years’, but several other people were taking it literally.
Sidney had enjoyed working with the Action SharePoint Consultant using SharePoint Designer to produce some pretty impressive Work Flows for the IT Training Room bookings even if Nellie Nogo had complained she had received an extra three emails last Tuesday compared to a normal Tuesday.
Now Sidney had become a daily SharePoint Tweeter, on Twitter, as well as a popular SharePoint Friend on Facebook he was becoming quite well known in the SharePoint Community. He had even managed to somehow get invited as a guest of Action SharePoint to the launch, last Wednesday, of the new exciting SharePoint Village. He had even managed to persuade Action SharePoint to let him bring along a guest. His plan had been to take Hannah Harper with him, but unfortunately Gwen Gardner somehow intercepted Sidney’s post before the invitation reached him (surprising how many times she seemed to read Sidney’s post first). Despite all Sidney’s best efforts he was forced to take the scary Gwen Gardner, Percy Pottersgate’s PA, to the launch of SharePoint Village. The event was very impressive with some lovely hot carvery sandwiches, but as Gwen Gardner helped herself to her sixth glass of free wine, Sidney was left to feel very disappointed that it wasn’t Hannah that he was having to hold tightly to prevent her falling into a very large bowl of trifle.
At the launch of SharePoint Village Gwen Gardner really had had too much to drink and outside she had tried to light her cigar with her souvenir Pottersgate Paints pocket torch before asking Sidney if he wanted to dance. Sidney had decided that it was best not to take Gwen back to work so he had instead offered to drive her home. After making Gwen Gardner understand that he wanted to take her to her home and not to his own he started what seemed a very long journey to Gwen Gardner’s home in Gornall. Gwen Gardner had been very chatty and told Sidney things that he really hadn’t wanted to hear. Even five days later he was still struggling to forget what Gwen Gardner had said about what she had done with Percy Pottersgate in the Archives Room after the Christmas Party of 1994.
Although the SharePoint Pilot had been well received there had still been some concern about how to get all the tonnes of old paper documents stored in the Archives Room into SharePoint. Despite the fact that Sidney was trying very hard not to think about the Archives Room; scanning was something he wanted to discuss with the Action SharePoint chap. So he gave Action SharePoint a ring on 0121 3680055 and explained the scanning challenge them. Sidney told Action SharePoint how they needed a quick easy way of entering the documents into SharePoint removing the need for having to store these old paper copies. Sidney hoped that without the need to store these copies the Archives Room could then be locked and he would never have to enter that dark chamber of secrets ever again.
Within minutes Action SharePoint were pointing Sidney to a site with the rather surprising name of ‘Dark Blue Duck’. Sidney had no idea what sort of ducks were actually dark blue, but quickly became very impressed with the software. Sidney installed the trial version and within minutes each of the Document Libraries on his SharePoint Test Environment had an extra item for Scanning in their menu. It really was as easy as that. All he needed now was a copy of one of the documents from the Archive Room to scan as a test. Maybe this could wait!
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